Mompreneur Coaching
Would you like to take your existing skills and turn them into streams of income and make it all fit nicely into your family’s lifestyle?
But, are you worried about keeping your family as your first priority if you work from home?
Mompreneur Coaching empowers you to plan out your online business so you can get your own streams of incomes flowing, but pairs it with a strategy for making sure your work fits nicely into your family’s lifestyle. Being a working mom means needing to be the CEO of not only your business, but also the business of your family, and that takes organization, patience and so much more that only other Mompreneurs understands.
I will help you get motivated, organized, branded, whatever you need to get your own business up and running so you can be the Mompreneur you need to be for your family.
With my unique approach, we look at the evolving and fluid triad of family, work, and self that is constantly growing and changing with the needs of your family and allow you and your business to grow and change with the evolution of your family.
I understand that dynamic and have been able to grow and nurture several streams of income while raising 2 kids and navigating those ever changing tides.
Not every mom that wants to work is looking to be a millionaire or invent the next big “thing”. And, not every working mom wants to climb the corporate ladder. Some of us just want to have a passion project or a way to use our existing skills to earn a stream of income (or a few) so that we can focus on being a mom, but still be contributing income to our household without working a traditional job outside of the home.
The Mompreneur Coaching Program is a mix between my own personal and professional journey from work-at-home mom to Mompreneur and Digital Nomad to show you the framework of exactly what is possible mixed with the strategy that you can use to put together your own version that will work with your skill set and your family’s unique needs.
We will also focus on how to stay heart and family focused and consider how having a business will affect your household, your schedule, and the general vibe of your family. In fact, before we even begin talking about the types of business options available, I insist we figure out exactly how you see working from home fitting in with your family dynamic.
The goal is for you to have a business that lights you up, fits in well with your family’s schedule and lifestyle, and meets any financial goals you have for your endeavor. But, my biggest requirement is that you also find some time for self-care and ME time! All of this works best if you are remembering to take care of YOU! We need inner balance, not just work-life balance. It all matters.
The Mompreneurs who will benefit from my strategy want to fill their own bucket, but at the same time find themselves fulfilled by motherhood and family life. They also want to have something of their own happening as well, or maybe they need to provide income for their family but cannot leave the house to do so. Either way, family is the priority and there will be times that work will have to take a backseat because family needs come first. This is entirely possible when you create a balanced Mompreneur life by considering an ever-changing and fluid triad of family, work, and self as I suggest in my strategy. So, I encourage moms to become the expert on their lives, the captain of their ship and the conductor of their symphony. I help you uncover the confidence to manifest your inner 4-Star General who can command your army. I empower moms to work online from anywhere and everywhere by giving you a strategy to establish multiple streams of online income that you can build to enjoy the freedom of being a digital nomad while being proactive about finding your own version of calm in your particular brand of chaos. This strategy, which I break down by giving several specific examples, can be used to build only one stream of income, or it can be used as a way to build several streams the way that I was able to do.
The options are open and endless depending on the individual skills, needs, and abilities of each mom. The strategy results in strong, empowered Mompreneurs earning income streams online using your existing skills while feeling a balanced engagement in work, family and self in an ongoing and mindful, ever-changing and fluid triad unique to each Mom.