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Looking for information about hiring a Virtual Assistant? Great, you’re almost there…
Build a more efficient Virtual Support Plan for your business
Visit the HOME page to learn about how to schedule a Strategy Session if you are ready to learn the tools and strategies you need to hire a Virtual Assistant (or Virtual Support Team) with more ease and success so you can start outsourcing more efficiently and get more done!
Download the Workbook that walks you through the Virtual Assistant hiring strategy
The Workbook includes a very specifically designed strategy complete with comprehensive lists that guide you through a step-by-step process to assess and plan your unique needs and build your own specific strategy so you can begin your search for the right virtual support team and be completely ready to on-board instead of feel unsure and overwhelmed about how to proceed. By the time you reach out to your potential candidates, you will have a clearly outlined plan that will make the process easier and more efficient for everyone.
Grab 3 FREE downloads
Enjoy 3 free downloads created by the same Virtual Assistant who created the strategy behind The Workbook. Learn more about The Virtual Assisting Industry as a whole by learning what tasks a VA can do, the lingo trending, and what social media posts you could be having a Virtual Assistant be posting for you when you find the perfect candidate for your Virtual Team.
The Virtual Assistant Task List
Defining Business Buzz Words
An entire month of social media post ideas